Oracle 11gR1
lists all locks acquired by every transaction on the system. It shows which sessions are holding DML locks (that is, TM-type enqueues) on what objects and in what mode.
Column | Datatype | Description |
| Undo segment number |
| Slot number |
| Sequence number |
| Object ID being locked |
| Session ID |
| Oracle user name |
| OS user name |
| OS process ID |
| Lock mode |
1. Show locked objects
select oracle_username || ' (' || s.osuser || ')' username , s.sid || ',' || s.serial# sess_id , owner || '.' || object_name object , object_type , decode( l.block , 0, 'Not Blocking' , 1, 'Blocking' , 2, 'Global') status , decode(v.locked_mode , 0, 'None' , 1, 'Null' , 2, 'Row-S (SS)' , 3, 'Row-X (SX)' , 4, 'Share' , 5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)' , 6, 'Exclusive', TO_CHAR(lmode)) mode_held from v$locked_object v , dba_objects d , v$lock l , v$session s where v.object_id = d.object_id and v.object_id = l.id1 and v.session_id = s.sid order by oracle_username , session_id; |
Oracle dynamic performance views
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