displays information about the currently active processes. While the LATCHWAIT
column indicates what latch a process is waiting for, the LATCHSPIN
column indicates what latch a process is spinning on. On multi-processor machines, Oracle processes will spin on a latch before waiting on it.
Column | Datatype | Description |
ADDR | RAW(4 | 8) | Address of the process state object |
PID | NUMBER | Oracle process identifier |
SPID | VARCHAR2(24) | Operating system process identifier |
USERNAME | VARCHAR2(15) | Operating system process username Note: Any two-task user coming across the network has "-T" appended to the username. |
SERIAL# | NUMBER | Process serial number |
TERMINAL | VARCHAR2(30) | Operating system terminal identifier |
PROGRAM | VARCHAR2(48) | Program in progress |
TRACEID | VARCHAR2(255) | Trace file identifier |
TRACEFILE | VARCHAR2(513) | Trace file name of the process |
BACKGROUND | VARCHAR2(1) | 1 for a background process; NULL for a normal process |
LATCHWAIT | VARCHAR2(8) | Address of the latch the process is waiting for; NULL if none |
LATCHSPIN | VARCHAR2(8) | Address of the latch the process is spinning on; NULL if none |
PGA_USED_MEM | NUMBER | PGA memory currently used by the process |
PGA_ALLOC_MEM | NUMBER | PGA memory currently allocated by the process (including free PGA memory not yet released to the operating system by the server process) |
PGA_FREEABLE_MEM | NUMBER | Allocated PGA memory which can be freed |
PGA_MAX_MEM | NUMBER | Maximum PGA memory ever allocated by the process |
-- PGA usage select program, pga_used_mem/1024/1024, pga_alloc_mem/1024/1024, PGA_FREEABLE_MEM/1024/1024, pga_max_mem/1024/1024 from v$process order by 5 desc; |
-- monitor current user activity in the database by generating a list of the SQL statement being executed in the database select c.spid, b.osuser, b.username, b.sid, b.serial#, a.sql_text where a.address = b.sql_address -- and b.status = 'ACTIVE' /* YOU CAN CHOOSE THIS OPTION ONLY TO SEE ACTVE TRANSACTION ON THAT MOMENT */ and b.paddr = c.addr and a.hash_value = b.sql_hash_value order by c.spid,a.hash_value,a.piece |
-- obtain session information select 'Sid, Serial#, Aud sid : '|| s.sid||' , '||s.serial#||' , '|| s.audsid||chr(10)|| 'DB User / OS User : '||s.username|| ' / '||s.osuser||chr(10)|| 'Machine - Terminal : '|| s.machine||' - '|| s.terminal||chr(10)|| ' OS Process Ids : '|| s.process||' (Client) '||p.spid||' (Server)'|| chr(10)|| 'Client Program Name : '||s.program "Session Info" from v$process p, v$session s where p.addr = s.paddr and s.audsid = userenv('SESSIONID') |
-- list inactive users to ensure whether to kill a session select s.username||' '||s.osuser userinfo, s.terminal, s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid, s.process , w.seq# from v$session s, v$process p, v$session_wait w where p.addr = s.paddr and s.sid = w.sid and w.event = 'SQL*Net message from client' and s.status = 'INACTIVE' order by s.osuser, s.terminal; |
-- script to map connected clients to their associated shadow server process select p.spid SHADOW_ID, s.server SHADOW_TYPE, s.machine CLIENT_NODE, s.process CLIENT_ID, s.osuser CLIENT_ACCOUNT, s.program CLIENT_PROGRAM from v$session s, v$process p where p.addr = s.paddr order by p.spid; |
Oracle data dictionary views
Last updated: 2009-10-23 Friday |