The following Oracle dynamic views can be used to obtain RMAN information stored in the control file:
· V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION: show which blocks have been found to be corrupt during a backup of a backup set.
· V$BACKUP_DATAFILE: useful for creating equal-sized backup sets by determining the number of blocks in each datafile. It can also help you find the number of corrupt blocks in the datafile.
· V$BACKUP_DEVICE: display information about supported backup devices. DISK is not returned because it is always available.
· V$BACKUP_FILES: display information about all RMAN backups (image copies and backup sets) and archived logs. The view simulates the LIST BACKUP and LIST COPY commands.
· V$BACKUP_PIECE: show backup pieces created for backup sets.
· V$BACKUP_REDOLOG: show archived logs stored in backup sets.
· V$BACKUP_SET: show backup sets that have been created.
· V$BACKUP_SPFILE: display information about server parameter files in backup sets.
· V$COPY_CORRUPTION: show which blocks have been found to be corrupt during an image copy.
· V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION: list database blocks marked as corrupt during the most recent RMAN backup.
· V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO, V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO: backup performance statistics