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Oracle Database provides a set of predefined roles to help in database administration. These roles are automatically defined for Oracle databases when you run the standard scripts that are part of database creation. If you install other options or products, then other predefined roles may be created. You can grant privileges and roles to, and revoke privileges and roles from, these predefined roles in the same way as you do with any role you define.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Oracle Predefined Roles
Each installation should create its own roles and assign only those privileges that are needed, thus retaining detailed control of the privileges in use. This process also removes any need to adjust existing roles, privileges, or procedures whenever Oracle Database changes or removes roles that Oracle Database defines. For example, the
Oracle data dictionary views
Oracle dynamic performance views
Posted by
9/02/2008 11:03:00 AM
Data Dictionary Views That Contain User and Profile Information
View | Description |
| Describes all objects accessible to the current user |
| Lists users visible to the current user, but does not describe them |
| Displays all profiles and their limits |
| Describes tablespace quotas for users |
| Describes all objects in the database |
| Describes all users of the database |
| Lists all user accounts that have default passwords |
| Describes users who can assume the identity of other users |
| Lists the cost for each resource in terms of CPUs for each session, reads for each session, connection times, and SGA |
| Describes the password profile parameters that are assigned to the user |
| Displays the resource limits for the current user |
| Describes tablespace quotas for users |
| Describes all objects owned by the current user |
| Describes only the current user |
| Lists session information for each current session, includes user name |
| Lists user session statistics |
| Displays decoded statistic names for the statistics shown in the |
Oracle data dictionary views
Oracle dynamic performance views
Posted by
9/02/2008 11:02:00 AM
Viewing Privilege and Role Information
To access information about grants of privileges and roles, you can query the following data dictionary views:
View | Description |
| This view lists all roles that exist in the database. |
| This view describes roles granted to other roles. Information is provided only about roles to which the user has access. |
| This view contains information about system privileges granted to roles. Information is provided only about roles to which the user has access. |
| This view contains information about object privileges granted to roles. Information is provided only about roles to which the user has access. |
| This view lists the privileges that are currently enabled for the user. |
| This view lists the roles that are currently enabled to the user. |
Oracle data dictionary views
Oracle dynamic performance views
Posted by
9/02/2008 11:01:00 AM
Oracle Audit Trial Views
Thank you for visiting Spatial DBA - Oracle and ArcSDE.
Please visit Oracle DBA Tips ( for more Oracle DBA Tips.
Oracle Database stores audit records for standard auditing in the SYS.AUD$
table and audit records for fine-grained auditing the SYS.FGA_LOG$
table. Each of these tables is a single table in each Oracle database data dictionary. Several predefined views are available to present auditing information from this table in a meaningful way. If you decide not to use auditing, then you can later delete these views.
ALL_AUDIT_POLICIES | Describes the fine-grained auditing policies on the tables and views accessible to the current user |
ALL_AUDIT_POLICY_COLUMNS | Describes the fine-grained auditing policy columns on the tables and views accessible to the current user. |
| Lists default object-auditing options that will be applied when objects are created |
| Describes audit trail action type codes |
| Lists audit trail entries produced BY AUDIT NOT EXISTS |
| Lists audit trail records for all objects in the system |
DBA_AUDIT_POLICIES | Lists all the fine-grained auditing policies on the system |
| Lists all audit trail records concerning CONNECT and DISCONNECT |
DBA_AUDIT_STATEMENT | Lists audit trail records concerning GRANT , REVOKE , AUDIT , NOAUDIT , and ALTER SYSTEM statements throughout the database |
DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL | Lists all audit trail entries |
DBA_COMMON_AUDIT_TRAIL | Combines standard and fine-grained audit log records, and includes SYS and mandatory audit records written in XML format |
DBA_FGA_AUDIT_TRAIL | Lists audit trail records for fine-grained auditing. |
DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS | Describes auditing options on all objects |
| Describes current system privileges being audited across the system and by user |
| Describes current statement auditing options across the system and by user |
USER_AUDIT_OBJECT | Lists audit trail records for statements concerning objects that are accessible to the current user |
USER_AUDIT_SESSION | Lists all audit trail records concerning connections and disconnections for the current user |
| Lists audit trail records concerning GRANT , REVOKE , AUDIT , NOAUDIT , and ALTER SYSTEM statements issued by the user |
| Lists audit trail entries relating to current user |
| Describes auditing options on all objects owned by the current user |
| Describes information about auditing option type codes |
Oracle data dictionary views
Oracle dynamic performance views
Posted by
9/02/2008 11:00:00 AM