Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Error: ORA-01858: a non-numeric character found where a digit was expected
Cause: You tried to enter a date value using a specified date format, but you entered a non-numeric character where a numeric character was expected.
Action: The options to resolve this Oracle error are:
Check the date formats recognized by the to_date function. Correct the date value and retry.

db_sda_execute_stmt::OCIStmtExecute (1858)
[01/23/2008 13:42:08;SdeId=6021520;Client=STRINGER] db_array_fetch_attrs OCI Fetch Error (1858)
[01/23/2008 13:42:08;SdeId=6021520;Client=STRINGER] load_buffer error -51

All Oracle errors in the blog can be found at: Oracle errors
All ESRI ArcSDE errors in the blog can found at: ArcSDE Errors

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