Oracle Metalink 121259.1
View DBA_FREE_SPACE can be used to determine the space available in the database.
Sometimes the DBA does not know why Oracle is unable to allocate a new extent and for a quick solution he proceeds to add a new datafile. Not always is this solution is the best. Oracle has some views that help to determine which solution is better. These views are:
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
TABLESPACE_NAME | VARCHAR2(30) | NOT NULL | Name of the tablespace containing the extent |
FILE_ID | NUMBER | NOT NULL | ID number of the file containing the extent |
BLOCK_ID | NUMBER | NOT NULL | Starting block number of the extent |
BYTES | NUMBER | Size of the extent in bytes | |
BLOCKS | NUMBER | NOT NULL | Size of the extent in Oracle blocks |
RELATIVE_FNO | NUMBER | NOT NULL | Relative file number of the first extent block |
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
TABLESPACE_NAME | VARCHAR2(30) | NOT NULL | Name of tablespace |
TOTAL_EXTENTS | NUMBER | Total number of free extents in tablespace | |
EXTENTS_COALESCED | NUMBER | Total number of coalesced free extents in tablespace | |
PERCENT_EXTENTS_COALESCED | NUMBER | Percentage of coalesced free extents in tablespace | |
TOTAL_BYTES | NUMBER | Total number of free bytes in tablespace | |
BYTES_COALESCED | NUMBER | Total number of coalesced free bytes in tablespace | |
TOTAL_BLOCKS | NUMBER | Total number of free Oracle blocks in tablespace | |
BLOCKS_COALESCED | NUMBER | Total number of coalesced free Oracle blocks in tablespace | |
PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED | NUMBER | Percentage of coalesced free Oracle blocks in tablespace |
Errors such as:
ORA-1653 unable to extend table |
ORA-1654 unable to extend index |
ORA-1655 unable to extend cluster |
ORA-1658 unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace %s |
ORA-1659 unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond |
indicate to DBA there is not free extent in the tablespace reported to support the new extent. Consulting the view DBA_FREE_SPACE the DBA can know if really the tablespace does not have space available or the tablespace is fragmented and reorganization should be made. Remember that two contiguous extents are considered two free spaces and both spaces can not be neither summarized nor counted as one for free space contiguous.
A simple query to get information about the free space in a tablespace is:
Depending on the problem, the solution to apply can vary from adding new datafile to recreating the tablespace in order to defragment it. To know which is the problem, the DBA should look up on DBA_FREE_SPACE and check how freed is the tablespace.
If the tablespace have no space avaliable, the solution can be:
1. Add a new datafile using ALTER TABLESPACE command.
2. Resize the current datafile using ALTER DATABASE command.
If the tablespace is fragmented the only solution is to reorganize the tablespace.
Some useful scripts:
--SPACE AVAILABLE IN TABLESPACES select a.tablespace_name, round(sum(a.tots)/1024/1024) Tot_Size_MB, round(sum(a.sumb)/1024/1024) Tot_Free_MB, round(sum(a.sumb)*100/sum(a.tots)) Pct_Free, round(sum(a.largest)/1024/1024) Max_Free_MB, sum(a.chunks) Chunks_Free from ( select tablespace_name, 0 tots, sum(bytes) sumb, max(bytes) largest, count(*) chunks from DBA_FREE_SPACE a group by tablespace_name union select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) tots, 0, 0, 0 from DBA_DATA_FILES group by tablespace_name) a group by a.tablespace_name; |
--SEGMENTS WITH MORE THAN 20 EXTENTS select owner, segment_name, extents, round(bytes/1024/1024) size_MB, max_extents, next_extent from DBA_SEGMENTS where segment_type in ('TABLE','INDEX') and extents > 20 order by owner, segment_name; |
Last updated: 2009-11-30 Monday |
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