Tuesday, January 22, 2008

SDO_GEOMETRY Layers and -g Option in ArcSDE Commands

“-g” option in some ArcSDE administration commands is used to specify particularities for creating a spatial index, such as “sdelayer -o add”.

For ArcSDE to store geometries in Oracle Spatial’s SDO_GEOMETRY data type, there are three types of spatial indexes: RTREE, FIXED and HYBRID. Oracle and ESRI recommend using RTREE spatial indexes since Oracle 9i. So “-g RTREE” is used in ArcSDE commands that accept “-g” option.

SDO_GEOMETRY layers cannot use the grid-based spatial index used with ArcSDE compressed binary storage.


-- load shapefile to a layer of SDO_GEOMETRY
shp2sde -o create -l sdo_layer,shape -f shape_file -a all -g RTREE -e a -u SDE_USER

-- register a SDO_GEOMETRY table as an ArcSDE layer
sdelayer -o register -l sdo_layer,GEOM -e a+ -g RTREE -C OBJECTID,USER -R 2 -i 5151 -s sde_server -u sde_user

Refer to ESRI Technical Article 26511.

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