Tuesday, September 25, 2012

SQL Server Version Components and Numbering

SQL Server Version Components and Numbering

The standard product version format for SQL Server is MM.nn.bbbb.rr where each segment is defined as:
  • MM - Major version
  • nn - Minor version
  • bbbb - Build number
  • rr - Build revision number

In each major or minor release of SQL Server, there is an increment to the version number to differentiate it from earlier versions. This change to the version is used for many purposes. This includes displaying version information in the user interface, controlling how files are replaced during upgrade, applying service packs, and also as a mechanism for functional differentiation between the successive versions.

For example, SQL Server 2008 R2 is a minor upgrade of SQL Server 2008. This means that it shares the same major version number with SQL Server 2008, and has an increment to the minor version. 

The product version for SQL Server 2008 R2 is 10.50.bbbb.rr. Compare this with the product version for SQL Server 2008 which is 10.0.bbbb.rr.

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